Master Builder member for 40 years

It was nice to receive this certificate in the mail to recognise our membership to the Master builders since 1981

The Master Builders Association of NSW (Master Builders) is the leading building and construction industry association across the state. A not for profit organisation, it is chartered with representing and furthering the interests of the building and construction industry.

Master Builders provides representation and services to members and the industry in key areas such as industrial relations, workplace health and safety, legal and contracts, training and government regulation/legislation.

Master Builders also seeks to develop alliances with key organisations to provide members with direct commercial benefits.

Master Builders was established in 1873, making it the oldest employer association in Australia. With 8000 members in NSW and 8 regional offices throughout the state, Master Builders is the only industry body that represents all sectors within the building and construction industry.


“To promote the interest of the building and construction industries and protect the rights of MBA NSW members”

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