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#Roof on, Roof off, Roof On, roof off

#Roof on, Roof off, Roof On, roof off

Ahh DanielSon (that’s Daniel, Daniel, Brad and Alex in the photo)
Spannenberg and Son work their Chop Sui(oops #homextension ) magic in #wattlegrove

Mark and Nicole’s roof has just gone on, Michael and Polly’s has just come off.

Look back on our posts and see these quality #home #additions progress.


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Our #Leumeah #extension is close to completion, there has been……


Our #Leumeah #extension is close to completion, there has been a large amount of #groundworks in this job, #retainingwalls, #brick, #blockwork and #concrete.

Some of these jobs have more work getting out of the #ground than the actual #homeextension.
Thankyou to Wayne our concretor for the nice job of the drive.

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Here are the bathroom tiles just laid on our #MountAnnan job.

Here are the bathroom tiles just laid on our #MountAnnan job.

It is more work for the tiler to lay the brick #pattern and black grout, but doesn’t it look striking, black #tapware also.

Included here is an update photo of the bathroom at our Ambarvale job prior to the #tiles being laid, it has been #waterproofed #cement bed laid(just today) and ready for tiles.
Looking to #extend your #home or add a #firstflooraddition ? Give Spannenberg and Son a call
click here Http:// to get our Ebrochure or for Instagram users visit the link on our profile here @spannenbergandson

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emember this job at Mount Hunter?

Remember this job at Mount Hunter? Walk down memory lane, completed this job about 2015. We often see the outside of jobs, here is an interior shot. There is an enormous amount of work that goes into a #chimney, huge number of #bricks, labour, #stone, #threshold, #mantle, #flashings and of course the #hearth. The bricklayer, high up the chimney scaffolding always asks me ‘have I bricked high enough? can I stop now?’ And I inevitably have so say ‘No keep going’.
Chimneys cost a bomb, but they add such #character and #warmth to a home.

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Key part of your #homeextension or #firstflooradditio

Key part of your #homeextension or #firstflooraddition .
Many of our jobs have either timber balusters or wrought iron balusters. Other options are solid #timber stairs or floor coverings on top of manufactured wood stairs. This job has wrought iron balusters and #timberflooring over manufactured wood stairs risers are painted.